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Knowledge base
Getting Started Tutorial Videos
Getting Started Tutorial Videos
1. The Welcome Email
2. Registering Students
3. Removing Students
4. Resetting Student Passwords
5. Student Packets
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BrainBuffet Changelog
Certification Exam Info
Getting Extended Time for Individual Education Plans
Proctoring and Testing Center Tips
Student Tips for the Test
Industry Exams
What do you do now that you're certified?
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Website Assistance
I'm getting intermittent/inconsistent errors. Any tips?
Accessing Project Files
How do I keep track of my students' progress?
Can I Manually Mark a Student's Topic as Complete or Incomplete?
Completed Course Certificates
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Account Assistance
How do I purchase a subscription?
Password Resets
How can I see when my license/group expires?
How do I log in?
How do I update my account information (name, email, password)?
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Getting Started
Getting Started Tutorial Videos
How do I get my group's registration link?
Implementing Our Curriculum In Your Classroom
Pre- and Post-Assessments
Enrichment Course Retirement
Student's FAQ
We got the brainbuffet package through the Gmetrix platform, I do not have a BrainBuffett username and login to access the videos. How do I get one?
Are there any cancellation fees if I decide to cancel the monthly subscription?
Is there a way to pause my membership for some time without losing my progress?
It won’t let me take the quiz again, What should I do?
Support is not responding, what do I do?
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School's FAQ
Our school's BrainBuffet licenses have expired. How do we go about getting these renewed?
Our school got the Microsoft and Adobe package and they are available to teachers. But they are unable to add a students, they can't see any Microsoft courses on their end, only Adobe.
Is it possible to have more than one License Manager per package?
Is it possible to exchange the teacher of a classroom or some classrooms?
Classrooms are showing the wrong expiration date, what should we do?
View all 9
Course FAQ
How long does it take to complete the courses?
Are there any cancellation fees if I decide to cancel the monthly subscription?
How can I know which course is the best one for me?
Do I have to install anything on a computer or is everything web-based?
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